Tuesday, December 7, 2010


"Why do you even need a blog?" asked my conscience for the millionth time as I was trying hard to figure out which background color would suit my personality. I tried hard to ignore it, continuing with my trial and error method of applying and then finding out which color would look good. 
"You haven't even achieved anything. What are you going to write about?" it piqued me further. This question I ignored not because I wanted to but because I didn't have a valid reason. What was I going to do with it anyway? For the first time in last twenty minutes, my conscience stumped me. I started probing my mind for a genuine reason other than having to say 'just for the heck of it' because I didn't want to even if that were the real reason. I started a train of thought in a different direction wanting to find the answer for, "What would anyone get from reading my blog? I wasn't specialized in any area nor was I any sort of counselor to write 'feel good about life' articles. It was then that it struck me that to tell stories about life and experiences, you don't have to be a Dan Brown, nor do you have to be an achiever! Experiences are your own, you learn from them, for good or bad, only the time would say. They occur to everyone, not just to few. Life, experiences and problems are common to everyone, be it a Mahatma, a terrorist or an honest middle class man although the ranges vary. Yes, this was enough to win over my cynical side. Having sensed my retort, my conscience like a genie slowly slipped into a deep corner of my mind, leaving me at peace.