Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I Wish..... From the bottom of my heart !

           I vividly remember a comment that my Dad made when I was very young. He told me, "if you want something real bad, from the bottom of your heart, then no one can stop you from getting it, only you need to have a very deep desire for it". At an age where the deepest of desires were wanting a chocolate or a new frock which I got without much effort I thought that it were really true. But as my cerebral acuity grew, I started finding that it wasn't true at all. The first experience I had was when my German Shepherd fell ill and I prayed desperately, wishing from the deepest hollow of my heart for him to recover but in vain. He died the same evening. That day I questioned the statement that my Dad had made long ago. It kept coming to me again and again yet I didn't dare to ask him.

           After a decade, during my inter days, as I pondered over it again I thought that perhaps I was told so to drive home the importance of hard work. That I did flawlessly but just for the heck of it. I never had the deep desire to get myself to the narrow range of three digits. yet I ended up with something that I hadn't even dreamt of. That day I made up mind thinking that the opposite seemed to work for me which I believe in partially even now. I changed the statement to suit my experiences, "if you are obsessed with something, it will never cross your way. Don't think about it and even before you realize, it is within your immediate reach and all you have to do is take a little leap."
          The reason why I am still writing this is because I am not convinced. In a sea of life, predictions often fail. Fortunately hard work has always worked for me, but when I think about a poor old man who spends days to carve the most exquisite of sculptures and a painter who makes abstract pieces of nude art, I am addled again. It is evident as to who owns the most inexhaustible of cornucopias (Yes, today money is the measure of success to an extent). Like a lightning, it dawns upon me the mistake we always tend to make, how we try to find a pattern in life. But the truth is, life is so capricious that even the wisest of sages have not been able to come up with a perfect mantra. 

          How many times has this occurred to you ? You take a new pencil case to an examination and you ruin the examination. The next time you take it, you ruin your exam again. You are convinced that it is unpropitious for you and you would probably burn it to ashes. But what if the next time you actually wrote your exam well ? Is there a way to know ? Would you take it to your next examination ?  All this while we have been making the same mistake of trying to find symmetry. Nature is full of asymmetry and so is life! The faster we understand, the better. No matter what, destiny seems to have an upper hand at times. Until the next meander in the course of life when I broach this subject again, Chow !

Sunday, January 9, 2011

How to make your own RC boat ?

After a week of searching the internet and countless errands to Koti to get all the electronics at the minimum of cost, we could finally make a non-sinking RC Catamaran! Now you can make it in less than two hours provided you have all the material needed. I will list down here to the exact detail as to what you will need and also the price they cost.

One Stop Shop:
To get the above mentioned electronics, head to Koti, The electronics lane after Women's College (if its your first time, you need to ask someone)
After taking a peek into every goddamn shop from morning till evening, we found these shops in order of preference to have all the stuff we needed and at the best price.
Roland Electronics
Kishore Electronics

Starting Off !
Before you start on, decide on the design. Ours was inspired by the catamaran because of its simplicity. All that we needed were two pipes and a wooden plank to hold them in between as shown in the picture. Be ready to bring yourself to the workshop to do the necessary cutting of pipes and wood.

Get all the stuff you need. Find a proper place to assemble things together. Also find yourself a pond where you can test your boat.

Step 1: Making the body
We got two pipes of size 60 cm long and a wooden plank of dimensions approximately 25cm X 20 cm. We made slits into the pipes so that the plank could snugly fit into the pipes. Later we had to use M Seal to fill the gaps in order to make the entire boat water proof.

Step 2: Making the propellers
After getting the body of the catamaran ready, it was now a challenge to make the propellers. We didn't want to use the ready made ones that we found in the market, rather we made our own with wheels and pieces of CD by inserting into the slits we made in the wheel. Look at the picture for more detail.

Step 3: The heart of it all, The Circuit.
We used the circuit to make our boat. Since we were dealing with a RF Controller for the first time, it took us some time to figure out the working of the poles inside it. 

RF Module (Receiver)

RF Transmitter

Step 4: Putting it all together 
Once you are done with all the above steps, its a piece of cake. All that remains is to assemble everything onto the wooden plank. It is necessary to place the the batteries at the center of gravity, otherwise the boat will sink. For that you need to test the boat in water and know it from trial and error rather than make actual calculations.

How does the end product look ?

Advantages of this design:
This design provided a lot of stability to the boat as opposed to other light weight boats.

Disadvantages of this design:
This boat is not suitable for taking steep curves as it is too big. So if you want to participate in a competition in which the arena has many twists and turns, you need to reconsider your design.

  1. You could use more powerful motors for the boat to move faster.
  2. You could place the propellers on the outer side which would enable the boat to take relatively sharper turns
  3. You could also use a rudder behind for better steering, but you need to reconsider the circuit in that case, as you have to also control the movement of the rudder.
These links help you understand better

This boat could serve as a ticket to you winning a competition or you could also make this a personalized gift for your younger brother. We had fun making this little boat. Hope you have too ! All the best..

Thanks to my team mate, Nithin Reddy Gaddam, Sai Teja (for his help) and Mr. Somasekaran Sir.