Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Do all good things begin at the end ?

It’s a question I have been asking myself for the past 2 weeks and even as I sat this morning pausing to hit send, my resignation letter that I had written. It was evident, all decided, yet I felt strange. It is indeed strange to know that you will have to leave your home of 15 years never to return back, to know that you will never go back to the office that you have been going to everyday for an year, to know that you will never again go back home late at night to find your mom waiting up with hot food.

My hands trembled, I suddenly found my eyes moist as my mind contemplated weighing different things. Big opportunities lay ahead that excited me, at the same time to throw away all that I had was difficult. It had all begun a few weeks ago, I found a change in myself, I explored my office campus and I started loving it, I also suddenly started loving my work more than before, I started feeling the curtains and bedspreads at my home realizing after a very long time, the warmth and comfort they carried, the smell of my mom’s cotton sari, from the food I loved to the streets that I called home, I started loving it all more than ever.

Why was this happening? I asked myself repeatedly, “Do all good things begin at the end?” The friends I made, the opportunities at work, realizing the comfort of staying at home. My thoughts were too heavy to be weighed in a 6 by 7 feet cubicle. I went out with a belief that a solitary walk would clear my head. I walked along the street, the same street that I had been walking for an year, why then did it seem all the more glorious now, I waved to some of my friends, why then did they seem all the more special now. And then I knew, it was not the place, it was the time, the circumstance. When life is stripped of monotony, it gets interesting. When you walk a road with the realization that you will never again walk on it, you would want to experience it all, to take in everything it has to offer which otherwise you would have tossed away from your mind as any other trivial road. Same with people, you realize their value only when you have to leave them. It was one of those weird situations where taking a step ahead was as painful as not taking the step at all especially when you have dreamt about the step ahead all your life.

It was then I had mustered enough courage to get back and hit send, however is this the right decision, only time will tell J


  1. I too was trembling before sending out the resignation and I feel the same way as you do these days. Lets see what happens.

  2. Change is always Good :) It's tough to think of it But with Time You'll create a Different world of your own :) All the Best for your next adventure !

  3. I don't know how I landed on this page....I read this and loved it...I hope it was a great decison...i feel it in my case :)

  4. By the way i was searching about rand() function :P
