Thursday, October 24, 2013

If only I knew it as a kid..

"Vroom Vroom" the kid went as he swiftly rode a scooter. His father followed him awkwardly on a skate board. What struck me as amusing was the impeccable technique and confidence with which the little kid rode, while his father struggled to keep up pace. 

We meet a few people everyday in our routine, they might be strangers, yet we see them everyday and without ever realizing it, they get us thinking. I see the father son duo every morning as I walk to college. The kid, a curious little fellow is always in for a bit of early morning enlightenment as he shoots his father with numerous questions, innocent but intelligent questions, questions to which we have long stopped probing answers. Of course the father doesn't have all the answers but he has patience, and a lot of it.

Why am I writing all this ? There is a reason. There always is. I talk about the kid's scooter driving competence, his curiosity and enthusiasm- qualities which we lose out slowly as we keep growing. A certain financial and moral responsibility keeps weighing us down, insecurities keep us on guard, so much so that we are a pretense half of the time except for among a tiny fraction of the people we absolutely trust. Sometimes, we find ourselves short of our skill, the skill that we took pride in all our life, slowly waning as other priorities suddenly reach the top of our mind. 

I miss being a kid, the security of it, like the little boy under the aegis of his father, I see every morning. I miss doing all that I want, without care or fear. I do not want success or failure to affect me, my confidence. I do not want to run a filter in my mind every time I speak. If only I knew the truth as a kid, I wouldn't have perhaps wished so earnestly to reach here so soon.

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